We spent all of last week on vacation in California. We went with my sister and her family and my mom. We had a great time and the kids did so well. We were nervous about the twelve hour drive but we only had a few meltdowns on the way home. We stayed in Newport Beach which was soooo beautiful. Judd said he could live right on the beach. We spent three days at Disneyland and California Adventure. To our surprise, Hadlie didn't like Disneyland very much. Being the daredevil she is, we thought she would love all the rides. She hated almost every ride. She will tell you that she doesn't like anything dark, moves side to side, or drops. Pirates even scared her. She did like Small World, Soarin', Playhouse Disney, and the Aladdin show. Bronco, who we thought would hate the rides, turned out to be our little brave, roller coaster buddy. He even did Tower of Terror twice. Bronco loved having his cousin Taya with him. He didn't let go of her hand for anything except bathroom breaks. He is such a cute little protector. We spent a day at the beach--I'm sure Judd would have preferred more time, and we took the kids to the American Girl Doll Store in L.A. On the way home when we asked what their favorite part of the whole trip was -- both kids said "American Girl Doll Store." Oh well. Maybe Disneyland will be a favorite later on. Who knows?
Classic Disneyland Picture
Whole gang
Me & Snow White

Judd loved to try and make us sick.
Bumper cars
Playhouse Disney
Even though she didn't like the rides, she was up for posing for the camera.
Tiki Room
Mav loved the carousel. He would yell "neigh, neigh" until we let him ride. I think Judd is letting me know he is tired of the carousel.
American Girl
My mom collects these dolls and she always has a catalog at her house. Bronco has asked for this doll for several years. I always just say that the doll is all sold out. When we got to the store and the doll was on display, we couldn't lie anymore. So, this is Little Will or Shaq depending on who you ask.